about me
My bio as a song
They say I need a bio
So people know my schtick
I like writing verses
I hope this does the trick
Born on the Island
outside of New York
I learned to love music
Before I could walk
(Where I’m from, that rhymes)
Mom liked Seegar
Dad dug Bach
They bought me Revolver
From then on, rock!
I windmilled like Townsend
I wailed like Page
I wah-wahed with Jimi
On the living room stage
I got into bluegrass
I followed the Dead
Learned how to jam
stoned out of my head
My first band was bluegrass
The next one was punk
I mixed it with folk
and called it ‘swamp funk’
I wore through cassettes
dug up the roots
Marvin and Otis
are who I wanted to be
As the tree grew
I learned about swing
Django and Duke
became my new thing
I bounced with Billie
bopped with ‘Trane
Never learned to play it
It was a whole other plane.
I worked as a reporter
live, love and rage
The city was my oyster
the subway my stage
Then I moved to Colorado
Those were epic times
I lived in Utopia
and worked on my rhymes
Now writing songs
is my favorite thing
I have CDs and a website
for the songs that I sing
I sing my own tunes
I think they ain’t bad
I put ‘em online
(the stats are pretty sad)
At gigs people groove
they laugh and they dance
If enough people listen
I think I gotta chance
So I’m writing this bio
filling out forms
labels and categories
analytics and norms
What is your genre?
Who are you like?
Don’t be shy
Step up to the mic!
Ok, ok, so I’ll give it a try
I’m a little bit Bonnie
A little bit Prine
So much music
so little time.
A little bit Dead
A bit Dead Kennedys
I like long solos
and rants with obscenities
I love the Franks
Frank S and Frank Z
‘A crooner on acid’
Kinda describes me
A little bit Willie
A little bit Hank
A shot or two of Merle
swishing my tank
Goofy like Arlo
rebelious like Bob
Not as good as either
Just giving ‘em a nod
Trippy like Floyd
Nutty like Byrne
Wasted like Waits
I watch and learn
I’m a little bit of all that
Does that narrow it down?
Think you might check me?
Next time I’m in town?
Now I live in Switzerland,
and for all that it’s worth
I love exploring the music
of this generous earth
Rio to DRC
The music is endless
(check out these links)
I love making records
con Diego o Brazil
He taught me samba
The label is small
A musical planet
vibe tropicale
So that’s me in a minute
I hope it gives a clue
About the music I love
And the things that I do
My ultimate hero
has gotta be Chuck
I wanna be like Johnny
yeah, wish me luck.
Well that's a lot about me
But that’s what you get
I’ve been rockin’ a while
And I aint' started yet.
Thanks for listening
Thanks for your ear
Don’t worry my real songs
are better, I swear
Malcolm Lucard